Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Need to Write What's In My Head

I'm new to blogging, but have been realizing for a few months now that I need a place to write what I'm feeling, learning and thinking. I don't even need anyone to read it. I just need to write it.

I have a hard time organizing my thoughts, the facts and the unknowns or possibly the untruths.

I'm working on trying to understand the cards my family has been dealt and what we are to learn from it. I am one that believes everything happens for a reason. God doesn't mean to hurt anyone and that something good comes from even the worst of tragedies.

I'm not living a tragedy. My child has Autism. He is so Awesome and sweet, loving, and every much an a boy with much enthusiam. this isn't a tragedy, it's just different. It's just different from my own life or the childhood I had. I just have to learn more so that I can understand him. I know he understands me. I read, I contemplate, I watch TV and scour the internet looking for answers, remedies and so much more. What I really want to do is shrink myself into a little microorganism and get inside my son's brain for just a few hours. That would be so fantastic just to see the what's going on in there.

Gotta Go for now. Hopefully this blogging thing will help me get what's in my brain out and I can organize all the stuff that's in there. I'm on a quest a quest to understand Autism and how to communicate better with my son.

I'd also like a true cause or causes of Autism and how to help stomp on the misconceptions and to help the world not fear but accept and understand a world that is just different.


  1. I think blogging is a terrific opportunity to figure things out - you are on the right path. You've set the wheels in motion.
    I have substitute taught in the Autism room at my local school. They call me because it is a tough job and frankly, it takes people out of their comfort zone - I leave exhausted, but always amazed and satisfied. I really don't know much about Autism other than what I learn on my occasional fill-in days, but I wonder what role nutrition plays. I'm not suggesting it as a cause. But when you can't express what you're feeling, why compound things with poor nutrition? Good nutrition is essential for everyone. I'd love to hear how your child is affected by what he eats. Good luck to you and happy blogging!

  2. Here'a a site that I came across. There seems to be so much controversy between the link of autism and diet, but it may provide some insight for you and your son.
